ASP support the career development of young people in Albania

Friday, January 06, 2023

The Academy of Political Studies started the implementation of a new project supporting the career development of young people and discouraging them from leaving Albania. Orienting the start of a professional career as well as thanks to mentoring by ASP alumni, professionals of various profiles in administration, business and civil society, the aim is to create the right environment for young people to build their careers in their homeland after completing their studies. The project is implemented with the financial support of the National Youth Agency and the Minister of State for Youth and Children within the second Call for Youth projects.

The action will enable the integration of young people in the labor market by addressing all the necessary steps of this process, starting from the analysis of the current situation from the perspective of young people and the relevant policies, up to the personalized mentoring of young people, with time and dedicated mentors for each of them.

The activities envisage the design of training curricula for the preparation of young people to enter the labor market and the development of soft skills; the development of a cycle of information and training courses in public universities in Shkodėr, Elbasan, Tirana, Durrės, Vlorė, Korēė, Gjirokastėr; and the mentoring of 70 students selected from rural areas or far from metropolises to be followed closely for a period of 3-4 months by alumni of the Academy of Political Studies, to facilitate their inclusion in the labor market in their hometown.

The results of the project are foreseen as follows:

Result 1: The report that analyzes and ascertains the difficulties of the integration of young people in the labor market, predictions of current policies and recommendations based on good practices.

TVO 1: Drafted report

The first result of the project aims to have a report drawn up based on the analysis and research of experts regarding the current labor market for young people, the difficulties faced by young people to be employed, the aims and ambitions of young people in the labor market. , policy forecasts and other documents for addressing issues related to youth employment, best practices of other countries in addressing youth labor market non-integration.

Outcome 2: Curricula designed aimed at enabling young people to access the labor market

TVO 2: 3 (three) curricula designed.

This result aims to design training curricula for young people to prepare them with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully access the labor market. The curricula will also reflect the findings of the first activity regarding the difficulties that young people encounter more in accessing the labor market and the skills needs of the labor market. If these difficulties are related to the lack of information, preparing for job interviews, having soft skills, preparing application documents, how to search for opportunities, successfully passing job interviews, etc., they will find reflection in the relevant curricula.

Result 3: Over 225 young people trained and empowered to access the labor market.

TVO 3.1: 9 trainings conducted physically and online in public universities in Shkodėr, Elbasan, Tirana, Durrės, Vlorė, Korēė, Gjirokastėr (parallel trainings with 25 participants for each training)

TVO 3.2: 225 young people certified for training participation.

This result aims at training young people with skills and knowledge to enable them access to the labor market, sharing experiences from young people who have successfully passed this journey.

Result 4: 70 young people mentored by professionals of various profiles with the aim of their inclusion in the labor market in Albania.

TVO 4: At least 50% of young people have started an internship/job, preferably in their hometown.

This result aims at the inclusion of young people in the labor market through mentoring, employment, development of internships, participation in training sessions by employers.